Sarah is our specialist IBS & food intolerance dietitian. She is highly experienced in delivering the low FODMAP diet and helping people to identify their food triggers.

There is currently no way to diagnose food intolerances, and therefore an elimination diet and re-challenge are required.  Depending on your symptoms, Sarah can help guide you through a low FODMAP diet, or a food chemical elimination diet.  It can be extremely difficult to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms given food contains a variety of different components (both fodmaps and food chemicals).  Given the complexities and restrictive nature of these diets it is strongly recommended to work through both elimination and re-challenges with Sarah, who can then help you to work out a long-term plan to suit your needs.

There are currently 2 ways you can work with Sarah:

  1. 1:1 service – this is a premium 6 or 12 month all-inclusive package where you meet regularly with me and I take your hand step by step through the whole process. Meal plans and recipes are included. You have access to all of my tips and tricks.
  2. Group Coaching Program called ‘Conquer Your Cranky Gut’ – next round starting in February 2023.


FODMAP is short for Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols. They are a group of poorly absorbed carbohydrates, and in susceptible people can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, and bloating.  Research has shown that in those with irritable bowel syndrome, eliminating or reducing trigger fodmaps can help manage gut symptoms.  The main FODMAPs are fructose, lactose, fructans, galacto-oligosaccharides and polyols and listed below are a very small example of foods these are found in (there are foods high in FODMAPs not included in this list):

Fructose – found in foods such as honey, apples, pears

Lactose – found in most dairy foods

Fructans – found in foods such as wheat, rye and onions

GOS – found in foods such as legumes and cabbage

Polyols – found in foods such as stone fruits and mushrooms

When working with Sarah, you can expect a plan for eliminating and re-challenging these FODMAPs, and once your triggers have been identified, she will help to liberalise your diet for the long-term.  In many cases, people follow the low FODMAP diet for longer than is recommended.  This is cause for concern because a low FODMAP diet is typically low in prebiotics which feed your gut bacteria.  Without these prebiotics you essentially starve your gut bacteria, often making your sensitivity to fodmaps even worse.  Therefore, it is important to move through elimination and re-challenges in a timely manner.

While lactose breath testing is available, recent evidence has shown that breath testing of fructose, sorbitol and mannitol is of little diagnostic value, and therefore you will still need to undergo an elimination and re-challenge protocol to identify your triggers..


Fructose is a naturally occurring fermentable sugar (FODMAP).  Excess fructose in foods can cause gut symptoms in some people, such as bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation or flatulence.  People that have fructose malabsorption often have other FODMAP intolerances and Sarah will assess and guide you through a low FODMAP diet if you continue have ongoing symptoms.


Lactose is another naturally occurring fermentable sugar (FODMAP).  People who are intolerant to lactose have difficulty breaking down the lactose molecule found in dairy products, causing symptoms such as bloating, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and flatulence.  Having lactose intolerance does not mean you need to completely avoid all dairy, and that is why it is important to seek the advice of our dietitian who can help you determine what sources of lactose you need to limit.  This is especially important given the nutritional benefits of dairy (important source of calcium and protein). If you continue to experience ongoing gut symptoms then it is likely other fermentable sugars (FODMAPs) may be contributing, and Sarah can guide you through an elimination and re-challenge process.

Still have questions?

Read our Essential Guide to Food Intolerance & Allergy or Request an appointment with Sarah