There is currently no way to diagnose food intolerances, and therefore an elimination diet and re-challenge are required.  Depending on your symptoms, our dietitians can help guide you through a low FODMAP diet, or a food chemical elimination diet.  It can be extremely difficult to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms given food contains a variety of different components (both fodmaps and food chemicals).  Given the complexities and restrictive nature of these diets it is strongly recommended to work though both elimination and re-challenges with our dietitians, who can then help you to work out a long-term plan to suit your needs.


Foods contain many natural chemicals that can cause problems in sensitive people.  The chemicals most likely to cause problems are salicylates, amines and glutamates.  Common symptoms of food chemical intolerance include hives, headaches, sinus trouble, mouth ulcers, nausea, and unusual fatigue.  In children, food chemical intolerance can also cause irritability and restlessness, and other behaviours common to ADHD.  However, it’s important to note that some symptoms of food chemical intolerance are similar to that of FODMAP intolerance (bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, cramping).  Our dietitians will be able to help pinpoint your triggers and ensure the right kind of elimination diet is used.  Our dietitians are familiar with the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Elimination diet and the FAILSAFE diet, and can guide you or your child through this process whilst still ensuring nutritional adequacy.

Still have questions?

Read our Essential Guide to Food Intolerance & Allergy or Request an appointment with our dietitians